June 6, 2022

Ultimate Guide for Your Adventure on the Road to Hana


Ultimate Guide for Your Adventure on the Road to Hana


Ultimate Guide for Your Adventure on the Road to Hana


Ultimate Guide for Your Adventure on the Road to Hana
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When you see those insanely beautiful photos of Maui and you wonder where they were taken, odds are at least some of them were taken on the Road to Hana. In this guide to exploring the Road to Hana, discover these beautiful hideaways and how to get the most out of your adventure.

What is the Road to Hana?

The Road to Hana is a 64.4 mile road with 52 miles being between Kahului and Hana. Consisting of over 600 curves and 59 single lane bridges, it is slow going. But with new sights around every corner it is well worth it. There is also some crucial information in this guide that can make or break your journey through this stunning jungle drive.

Tips for the drive

The Road to Hana is an all day journey (10-12 hours) You may even choose to stay the night in Hana before making the drive back. Leave early and don’t make any other plans for the day. I recommend being on the road at least by 7am. It is not recommended to drive the Road to Hana in the dark so keep this in mind when planning out your trip.

You will need to rent a car. Keep in mind some rental companies to not allow for you to take the car on the Road to Hana. But don’t worry, others do. If you are planning to take this trip, ask the rental company about their policy on this. There are tours you can take along the Road to Hana, but i recommend doing it on your own. With so much to see, you want to be able to pick and choose your own stops, and avoid the crowds of being in a tour.

I do not personally deal with car sickness, but if you do, make sure to plan ahead. The Road to Hana is filled with twists and turns and I mean A LOT of them! Over 600 in in fact. So make sure you take that dramamine before you hit the road.

There are tons of sights to see on this drive. That paired with all the curves may lead to some slow going. There are locals that drive this road everyday so if you are going slow, let faster cars pass. Another thing to keep in mind is that there may be posted signs that say “Kapu.” This means keep out. With there being homes along this road, you wouldn’t want to ignore these signs and stumble into someones backyard.

The Sights

First things first. What should you bring with you on your adventure on the Road to Hana? With waterfalls and beaches, bring your swimsuit! With that, of course, don’t forget a towel and sunscreen. There are also tons of hiking trails so bring comfortable shoes that you can hike in. With all the beauty around every corner, a camera is a must. Just don’t forget to make sure your batteries are charged and your sd card has abundant memory. Also, with this being an all day trip and the likelihood of using your cell phone for some pictures, don’t forget a car charger for your phone. Lastly, bring snacks and water. There are stops here and there where you can grab some local fruit and baked goods but having a backup of snack and water is always a good idea.

Plan to make frequent stops. On the Road to Hana there are bamboo forests, painted or rainbow eucalyptus trees, roadside fruit stands, 15 waterfalls, arboretums, and so much more.

One of the main things I wanted to see on the Road to Hana was the Bamboo Forest. Unfortunately, at the time, I was unable to find it. Tip: It is past the town of Hana. I have since located it on Google Maps: Pipiwai Trail, Hana, HI 96713.

The colors of the painted eucalyptus occur due to the bark does not shed all at once. Over time different layers peel off. Over time they spots begin to age changing the color. Since different patches peel at different times, it makes the tree look like a rainbow or like someone took a paintbrush to it.

painted eucalyptus

There are so many places to see on the Road to Hana, I couldn’t possibly list them all. Do your research before you go and you will have an epic adventure.


Hands down you need to try Kalua Pork Tacos from eat at Bruddah Hutts BBQ Grill. This is a small food truck in what looks like someone’s front yard, but don’t be fooled. The food is AMAZING! Located in the town of Hana, this served as a great spot to grab lunch.

The comments +

  1. Melinda says:

    Great tips! Seems like an amazing trip to take! Thanks for the insight.

  2. Madeline says:

    Sounds beautiful! Hope to do it one day when I’m there! Thanks for the tips!

  3. Christine says:

    Wonderful guide! Thank you!

  4. Micaela says:

    Super interesting and detailed, will save it for when I finally get to visit Hawaii!

  5. Tina says:

    I’ve never even heard of the road to Hana before, but now I want to go 😀

  6. Jamie says:

    This sounds amazing!! I definitely do deal with car sickness so would need to pop the Dramamine but if I ever get the chance I’d love to experience it!

  7. The Honeymoon Guide says:

    amazing. love Hawaii

  8. Kayleigh says:

    Great post things like this we never would have gotten to see if you hadn’t posted about it!

  9. Jeanette says:

    Good info!

  10. KiraKira Travels says:

    Great read, loved my time on the Road to Hana!

  11. Sally says:

    Looks absolutely magical! A trip I’d love to make!

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